At Camp Fihavanana we practice gratitude. The practice of gratitude keeps us grounded in our work. While we realize the complexities of this American holiday, we also want to acknowledge the power of giving thanks. Today, I want to give thanks for healing and give thanks to my body. My body has done amazing things. From winning a D1 conference championship in lacrosse, to cycling across the United States….she has provided me strength and glory. She has also endured quite a bit. I am not alone in the struggle for self love and pursuit of perfection. My body endured a wrath of hatred after I tore my ACL in 2014. She has endured abuse in the form of an eating disorder, and remained resilient and forgiving. She carried me across the nation on a bike for goodness sake. For this I am grateful. Grateful for all my body is and all she will continue to be for me in this life. Thanks for reading. What are you grateful for?