Jessica's Story

Co-Founder Jessica grew up in Moramanga, Madagascar, and at just fourteen, she had the opportunity to independently move to the United States to attend high school and later, college. Although her parents each received a limited education, they worked hard to ensure that their children would receive the best education possible. Jessica’s determination to graduate and to provide better education for her Malagasy community comes from her parents; their life lessons give her strength and perseverance. Motivated by her parents’ determination and sacrifice, Jessica is prepared to give 100% to make Camp Fihavanana a reality. She understands best how to lift up her community through the development of Camp Fihavanana.

Starting Camp Fihavanana has pushed us to be innovative, collaborative, time-sensitive, and steadfast in our passions. Running this social venture has been a learning journey and we have come to realize that it would be harder to make it happen without your help, but we are committed to making a change.

Please join our fundraising campaign, and let’s empower the youth of Madagascar together!

Camp Fihavanana